Much like online gambling, the world of online lotto has changed a lot over the past few years. The percentage of people who want to buy their lotto tickets online is a lot higher than it was in 2010 or 2011. In addition, there has been a push for online lotto companies to accept cryptocurrencies […]
FIFA Lotto Scam! Beware!
The Trading Standards division of Highland Council has recently issued a warning to all its customers that they should be wary of a letter proclaiming them winners of FIFA World Cup Online Lottery. The letter, sent by fraudsters, tells the receiver that he/she has won millions of Euros in an online lottery from Switzerland. The […]
The History of Keno
Keno is a classic casino game with a long history. It is believed that the game originated in ancient China and was the first game that was introduced to the western world in the 19th century. Soon becoming a global phenomenon, the origin of online keno dates back to 200 BC where it was invented […]